Tenant Satisfaction Measures - results
Our Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs)
The Tenant Satisfaction Measures reported below show our end of year performance (April 23 - March 24). There are 12 tenant perception questions which cover several areas, such as overall satisfaction and how safe people feel in their homes, these results are captured through customer feedback surveys. Alongside these there are 10 performance measures covering building safety, repairs, complaints and ASB, these come from our systems.
The full list of all questions and their corresponding code can be found here.
Our approach
A huge thank you to the 2626 people who answered the survey. We are committed to listening to the feedback received and using it to improve the services we offer.
Our customer feedback surveys are conducted throughout the year, click here to find out more about what to expect if you are contacted by IFF Research who are helping us to collect the feedback.
Full approach to TSM collection
Please read our full approach to collecting the TSMs here.
How we collected our results
Over the last year, a company called IFF Research contacted Flagship’s tenants across all three Housing Associations, as well as Shared Owners who completed the survey. 80% of surveys were completed by telephone and 20% online.
A fair representation
Targets were put in place to ensure a true representation of our tenants was factored into the sample of people surveyed. Age ranges, gender, location, and property type were targeted based on representation for each and we are happy to report that we were able to achieve these targets.

How we're performing on TSMs
Results have been combined from our three housing associations, Newtide Homes, Samphire Homes and Victory Homes to give an overall picture of results across Flagship.
April 2023 - March 2024