Make a complaint

Make a complaint

Making a complaint shouldn’t be hard work, just get in touch in the way that suits you from the range of options below and we will get in touch within 5 working days.

To make a complaint about anti-social behaviour (ASB), including issues such as cuckooing, vandalism, drugs misuse, intimidating behaviour, excessive noise and other neighbourhood issues, please use our dedicated ASB complaint form or if you'd like to find out more, head to our Safer communities page. 

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Please complete the online form below

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Live chat

Use the live chat icon to start a conversation between 8:30am – 4.30pm Monday to Friday

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Call us


0330 123 1860 

(8:30am-5:00pm or 24/7 for emergencies)

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Write to us

Our address is: 

Michael Chaplin House,

Station Road,


NR19 1DA

Format should be "Mr David Smith"
Please provide a full account of your complaint.
What kind of anti-social behaviour are you reporting?
Do you think the incident is associated with faith, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, gender or disability (mental/physical)?
Does the issue relate to an ongoing ASB case?
Is this the first time the other party has caused ASB?
House name/Number, Street and Town
Do you require any reasonable adjustments to be made so we can support you?
How would you like us to contact you? * We are happy to contact you by email, but it may still be necessary to speak to you over the telephone to understand what is happening in more detail.
Would you like us to use this email address to contact you about repairs or your tenancy in the future? *