Completing a survey of your home

Surveying your home

There will be times when we need to complete a survey of your home. It could be a health & safety survey, a survey ahead of planned improvements, or something else. Here is everything you need to know about the process of our surveys, what to expect from us and what we ask of you.

When we need to complete a survey of your home, this may be for either of the following:

Property Condition Survey

We’ll assess the age and condition of the major elements of your home, like your kitchen and bathroom, to help us understand and plan for when these items will need replacing.

Energy Audit

We’ll assess your home’s energy efficiency, and identify areas where we can make an improvement to the running costs of your home.

We'll give you plenty of notice

Before anyone visits your home, you’ll receive a letter from us letting you know when we’re planning to visit your area and if we think we need to survey your home.

When we arrive, we’ll introduce ourselves and show you our ID before explaining the process for the survey. Although the team will do their best to answer any queries when in your home, they may not be able to advise on or raise repairs. You’ll still need to raise these in the usual way.

To help us complete the survey effectively and efficiently, we’ll need access to all internal and external areas of your home, including loft space if you have it. If you can, we’d really appreciate you keeping any children and pets away from the surveyor, for their safety.

Home survey FAQs

How long will the survey take?

The survey will take between 30 minutes and 90 minutes, depending on the type of survey being completed.

Are you checking up on me?

Of course not! If we’re surveying your home, it’s to check everything we’re responsible for is working as it should be.

Can I have a new kitchen or bathroom fitted?

We’ll enter all the information we gathered during the survey onto our database, and this will let us know when a replacement is required. When your property is due for renewal work, we will contact you to confirm details of what happens next. We won’t be able to give you this information at the time of survey.

Why are you wearing equipment?

We wear equipment for health & safety reasons. On any given day, we’ll be going in and out of several occupied and empty properties, we may be wearing face masks, dust suits and safety glasses. It’s for our safety, and yours too.

Will I need to be in for the survey?

A responsible adult must be present at the time of the survey to give us access. If we can’t get into your home we won’t be able to assess it, and this might result in you missing out on our upgrade programmes. If you can’t be home, we recommend you nominate someone to be there while you’re out.

What if I can't make the appointment or have special access requirements?

Please let us know as soon as possible, and we’ll do our best to reschedule our workload. We’ll always try to be as flexible as possible to fit in with your requirements.

Want to talk it through?

For more information of if you have any other questions, get in touch with us and we’ll be happy to explain the process to you in more detail.

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