Pets in your home

Part of the family

Welcoming a new pet into the family can be a great source of companionship and enrich our lives. But, before you commit, it’s important to consider the impact a pet can have on your neighbours, your home, the animal itself and your finances.

You must have written consent from Victory to keep any animals, including birds. If you do not get written consent, we may ask you to rehome your pet.

All our forms are here for you to read and download. If you'd prefer to talk to us about getting permission to have a pet, or if you’re looking to borrow a dog crate, call us on 0330 123 1860 and we’ll be happy to talk it through.

Couple on a sofa with their dog
RSPCA Paw Prints gold housing 2023

We’ve recently been awarded the RSPCA Housing Gold PawPrint award! This award recognises our ongoing contribution to improving animal welfare standards in our communities, and our dedication to promoting responsible pet ownership.

Thinking of getting a pet?

If you're considering getting a pet, it's your responsibility to ensure your new companion is cared for properly. Don't forget to consider how much it'll cost to look after - think about its food, toys, health and potential vet bills.

Once you've received permission from us, if you need help paying for microchipping your pet or getting them spayed or neutered, we can help with that. We also have dog crates for you to borrow if you need. 

We do not permit you to have any breeds of dog to which section 1 of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 applies, dogs placed on the index of Exempt Dogs may be granted permission based on individual circumstances – please apply or contact us for more information.

Person working on their computer with cat on their lap

Existing pets

New tenants who already have pets before moving into a Victory home, and therefore don’t have written permission, can apply for retrospective permission. We’ll grant retrospective permission in the following circumstances:

  • Where the animal is being kept in accordance with the animal ownership policy. This means your home is suitable for keeping that number and type of pets, and where no more than two cats or dogs are kept in the home.
  • The existing pets are not causing any problems within your home, the communal area or to your neighbours. If we deem your home is unsuitable for keeping the animal, we may seek to assist you with a planned move to a suitable property or assist you in rehoming your pets.

Pet policy FAQ's

How and where do I get my cat/dog micro-chipped?

Your Vet will offer micro-chipping. Alternatively, your local RSPCA branch runs Chip & Snip events and Victory can help arrange and fund some of the cost of this too. Lost & Found Cats in Norwich also offer a micro-chipping service.

What are the costs for neutering a dog/cat?

This varies from practice-to-practice but is determined by weight and is approximately £150-£205 for a male dog and £170-245 for a female dog; and £49 for a male and £69 for a female cat. Your local RSPCA branch sometimes runs neutering campaigns and Victory, the Blue Cross and PDSA also sometimes offer neutering vouchers. Not only is neutering essential for the health and longevity of your pet but helps reduce the ever-increasing number of unwanted animals, it can help prevent illnesses and some unwanted behaviours.

Where is the best place to insure my pet?

There are many insurance companies but ‘cover’ varies and you need to be sure that you are clear about what ‘cover’ you are getting. Even when insuring online it is still a good idea to check that you are interpreting the terminology in the correct way by speaking to someone to clarify what terms such as ‘lifetime’ or ‘per condition’ actually mean.

What is a pet plan?

This varies from vet-to-vet but generally means that you spread the cost of routine treatments such as worming/flea treatments by paying monthly instalments. This sometimes includes health check-ups too.

Why do I need to vaccinate my pets?

Without vaccinations animals could be at risk from an outbreak of infectious disease, some of which can be transmitted to humans. Pets need regular vaccinations from an early age. Make sure you protect your pets and keep them safe by keeping up to date with their vaccinations makes it easier in an emergency to find a temporary foster carer for your pet. Kennels will ask to see the completed vaccination record card.

How do I know if I need to worm my pet?

Even healthy looking animals can carry worms, so it is important to worm pets regularly. Worms can cause suffering, illness and even death. Some types of worms can be spread between pets and people and can cause diseases.

Many infected animals do not show any outward signs so it is important to have a worm control programme in place. If your animal is infected you may see worms in faeces or vomit, or around your pets bottom. If this happens contact your vet for treatment.

Can I get help with medical expenses?

The PDSA runs schemes in some areas but you do need to be preregistered. Don't wait until your pet is sick or injured. All companion pets are treated – dogs, cats etc. Pet owners are invited to make a voluntary contribution for treatment provided. Eligible pet owners living within the catchment area of a PDSA Pet Hospital, PDSA Pet Clinic or PDSA Pet Practice, may register their pets at that facility (sadly none in North Norfolk). Eligible pet owners living outside these catchment areas may apply for PDSA support through the PDSA Pet Treatment Fund.

Enquiries: 0800 917 2509

Eligibility: 0800 731 2502

Can someone look after my pet if I go away?

Friends or family are often the first choice, followed by boarding kennels or pet-sitters. It is generally a good idea to ask friends/neighbours for a recommendation. You could always think about setting-up a ‘pet buddy’ network amongst yourselves. It is also useful to have a neighbour as a contact in case of illness too.

What should I do if I become ill and can't look after my pet?

There are charities that can help out if you become ill. The Cinnamon Trust is one such charity and helps elderly and terminally ill pet owners.

Cinnamon Trust

Tel: 01736 757900


Can my local authority help if I lose my dog?

Yes, most Local Authorities provide a lost and found service and you can report that your dog has been lost, maybe they will have already collected it. If someone found your dog they may have been taken to the local vets to be scanned. All dogs must have a collar and tag with contact information. This could help your dog be returned to you quickly. Social media is a useful tool to raise awareness too.

Victory Homes works closely with Environmental Protection teams within Local Authorities to tackle dog fouling and pet nuisance. More information about these services, including Animal Warden Services and lost and found dogs can be found on your local council website.